Saturday, June 4, 2011

You Are What You Eat

Wow. Somebody hasn't blogged in a really long time. Sorry to all of my loyal blog fans...Mom and Dad!! LOL

Conversation in the shop yesterday between S (me) and DDD (dear delivery driver)....
DDD - You are such a nerd.
S - No I'm not!
DDD - Are so.
S - Takes one to know one!
DDD - You're still a nerd.
S - No I'm not. I'm a floral wizard!
DDD - Wizards are nerds.
S - Well, I don't think so. And I'm still a floral wizard.
DDD - Says who???
S - Beverly.
DDD - Who is Beverly?
S - One of my really good customers.
DDD - See, you really are a nerd. Even your customers think so!
S - (throws an unopened box of Nerds (because she wouldn't want to risk wasting any that might fall out of an open box!!) at DDD and rolls her eyes)
S - (continues munching on the tiny, tangy crunchy goodness that she was enjoying before she was so rudely interrupted)
I guess if NERD is the worst thing that someone can call me....I shall happily embrace that description...and if *I* call myself Nerd, then perhaps DDD will stop. I mean, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em! :o)

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