Saturday, February 6, 2010


I'm photographically challenged. I've been this way my entire life. I am simply not able to take a picture without acting in a goofy manner. This affliction goes back to 1980...when my dear old dad was trying to take a nice picture of me with my new baby sister. I thought it would be funny to open my big mouth and show the world my tonsils.

I got a long lecture about being a good girl...which I promptly discarded from my memory. Thirty years later, I'm still experiencing symptoms of this disorder. Last summer I was delivering a wedding, and the photographer asked me to stand up at the front of the church, and assist her in adjusting the lighting. I was pleased to help.

Last week I did flowers for an event at The Nelson-Atkins Museum. I was asked to pose by my creation. I happily obliged.

Is there a cure for this sickness? If there was....would I take it? I'm thinking no.....where's the fun in being normal??? :o)


Anonymous said...

Maybe you were screaming because your little sister had just pushed you off the red chair and you landed on a can full of colored pencils?

Anonymous said...

Sorry you already had your tonsils out.