Saturday, March 6, 2010


We have a giant walk-in cooler here for our flowers. But from time to time, things OTHER than flowers get stashed in it. The standard items include Fresca, soy sauce, coffee creamer, hot dogs (for Arizona!) and occasionally some 90 Shilling. A while back, one of our past brides Sara was out running errands in our neck of the woods. Ms. Sara went to the grocery store and got some eggs, but then forgot she had a few other places to go. So...being the resourceful gal that she is, she remembered her favorite flower shop has a great big refrigerator, and she should just drop by for a visit and have us tuck her eggs in our fridge for a few hours. We were more than happy to help her out. But we decided that plain eggs are just sooooooooooo boring. So we took it upon ourselves to decorate them for her. The best part was each of these eggs had a little egg butt. We didn't take a picture of that though....this is a G-rated blog. Behold our artistry!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What great artistry. Now I know why you are in the flower business.