Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Everything is bigger in Texas...ESPECIALLY Homecoming corsages!!!

HOLY COW! Those were the first words out of my mouth when I saw this picture. Now THIS is a corsage!!!

This is Brianna...she is my best friend's daughter. They live in Marshall, Texas...which is apparently the world headquarters for humongous, gargantuan Homecoming corsages. I've been in the floral industry for almost 15 years, and never seen, nor had requests for any such thing. I've made Homecoming corsages, but they are usually 1/100 the size of this thing. I don't know how the poor girl is even standing upright!!! And not only do they go big for the game day corsages, they also go big for the dance corsages!

Girls here in Kansas would never go for such a thing...they like their corsages small and simple. Three sweetheart roses is the norm around here.

It's funny how different traditions are in different areas of the country.

I guess what my best friend says is true..."In Texas, we go BIG or we go home!!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful blogspot! I actually stumbled upon it looking for idea pictures to help put together a homecoming mum for my daughter. While scrolling down the page, I saw the floral arrangement with the Coors Light cans. It reminded me of a homecoming mum I saw yesterday in our local Michaels craft store. It had shot-gun shells and feathers hot-glued around the flower! Apparently the girl liked to dove hunt!!! This was in Tyler, TX about 30 miles from Marshall, and they had many mums much larger than the one in your friends picture! Happy Homecoming, Y'all!